Saturday, March 5, 2011

Breakaway 2011 featuring Timotheus Pope – Part 3: The Pretenders

Breakaway 2011 featuring Timotheus Pope – Part 3: The Pretenders from Timotheus Pope on Vimeo.

Timotheus Pope teams up with the Cornerstone Ministry of The Falls Church to challenge teenage students to fervently pursue God's heart, turning from the lies of Hollywood. This message is the third of five messages presented at Rockbridge Younglife Camp where Breakaway occurred. In this one, T. Pope talks about The Pretenders from the combination of the Synoptic Gospel texts regarding the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30), specifically, the reality that no one is good, but God and if we are not perfectly living out God’s good, then we are lost without God in this world, and our “good” is only pretending. Enjoy!!!