Friday, May 7, 2010

Romans 12:1 - The Will of God

To truly understand the will of God, one must first understand God's Personality. The selfless love God has for us looks out for our best interest at all times, under any circumstances. He has a spotless character with a perfect track record. If God has never failed, why are we so arrogant to think that we will be the first person God lets down. We act like our case is too much for God to handle. It's like we think God is in Heaven saying, "You know ___________ (insert your name), I have NEVER failed! But you...YOU are just TOO MUCH! YOU just don't get it. I know I said I would never leave, nor forsake you, but you know what, I was tired of being God anyway. I'm going on vacation." That is NOT who our God is. He is the Sovereign God of creation, the perfection of beauty, majestic and holy in ALL splendor. He is ALL powerful, All-knowing, Everlasting, and Self-Sufficient. He has the right to be who He is and do what He chooses whenever He wants to. Yet, we can be sure that His intention is not to hurt us as if He is a God who doesn't care. NO! As a matter of fact, He cares so much that each of us is actually a part of His Plan.

The Lord's heart desires that we first get saved (Luke 19:10; Matthew 20:28; John 3:16). Salvation frees us from the power, penalty, pollution, and ultimately the presence of Sin. Once we are saved from sin, we become sanctified, that is separated from the powers of this world, the pleasures of whoredom, and the pressures of wickedness. He sanctifies us by the Truth of His Eternal Word (John 17:17). He equips us for service in His kingdom. We must learn to respect the time God gives us on this Earth, and redeem the time we have used pursuing our own selfish desires. WAKE UP! Don't you see! When we understand God's Personality and ultimate plan to turn us into Jesus, we will naturally, supernaturally uphold the Lord's Principles.

At some point in our lives, Jesus has to become all that matters. Everything else in our lives must die by our hands or we can be sure that it will die by God's hands because He has called us to relationship with Him, and oh is He jealous over us. We were made for God, NOT the things of this world. When we "Can't get no satisfaction..." it is because we are looking in the wrong place. This world was neither made, nor meant to satisfy us. That is God's job. If that is true, wouldn't it make sense to continue to run to Him, NOT just for consolation from trouble, but because in His presence is the fullness of joy and pleasure forevermore (Psalm 16:11). You see, the best way to know God's will for your life is to live God's will right now. And right now the Lord desires that you get to know Him by entrusting your entire life to His perfect care.

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